Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Element Princess Book Series and The Powers They Exhibit

The Element Princess Series seems very interesting. What influenced your love of Anime and the book series?

When I was in middle school, I turned on the TV around five in the morning(I had to get up around 6 for school anyway). When I did, Adult Swim was on playing a show called InuYasha. It was the ending of the seventh season. It's called Come by Namie Amuro-yes, I remember the event like it was yesterday. Since that day, I've loved anime. When it comes to the book series, I saw the characters as anime characters in my head until I got older. I see them as real people now. The series was literally a random idea. It came to me out of nowhere, a rushing thought turned into an overwhelming plot that I had to get down on my computer. The rest is history.

Tell us about each character and include their special powers/abilities.

There are so many characters in the series XD. There are seven princesses on the side of the good guys and five princesses and two princes on the side of the bad guys, the Demon Docks. Each one has their own quirks and crannies, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The Element Princesses harness their powers by working with one of the seven element  orbs in their chests, given to them by their teacher, a Spirit Being named Kenta Shiroyama-the elements one girl holds are fire, water,earth, wind, ice, light and darkness. However, on the side of the Demon Docks, these princesses and princes have have their powers given to them by birth. I will go more in depth with the Element Princesses below:

  • Sazuma Kagami: A 16 year old princess of Fire with a sarcastic mouth and loner vibe. She has a love for music and is the most realistic person of the group. She is the oldest of the Kagami twins. Sazuma points things out and follows her intuition more than the opinions of others. She can create barriers of fire and even throw fire balls at her enemies.
  • Mary Kagami: She is Sazuma's younger twin and is the Princess of Water. Despite her claiming to have an open mind, she is single minded and bases her opinions on facts. She is the researcher of the group, cares for others greatly but sometimes she is hypocritical. Mary is loved by many and is the most intelligent princess when it comes to reality, mythology and basic principles of the supernatural. Mary creates strings of water, illusions through the water and uses it as a way of inconspicuous travel. 
  • Stella Jayberry: The 15 year old Earth Princess is the only survivor in a family tragedy that that happened five-seven years before becoming a princess. She was saved a found by Ayano and she's been taking care of her ever since. Stella is not the best fighter and is a bit timid but she is very kind and willing to give people second chances and opportunities to prove themselves. Throughout the series, you see Stella's character development and see her rise to the standards of being a supernatural being in the world of the unusual. Stella's powers allow her to guard against her enemies, throw boulders, grow dying plants and trees and she can also feel the pain of the plants around her if she's that connected with her surroundings.
  • Hiroko Kotani: Hiroko is pretty much "the girl that sides with the smartest party." This 17 year old Wind Princess is brave and grows to become a good leader. She's not the outcast of the group but she is not the most outspoken either. She is very blunt which makes her a great friend. The death of her father causes her to question the world and the decisions she makes. Her skills of merging with a crowd are great and her thinking strategies are just as great  as  Mary's. Hiroko uses the wind to communicate, to send blades of wind at her enemies and to use silence as her best leverage.
  • Reiko Takashima: Reiko, age seventeen, is the drama queen and the holder of Ice. She overreacts to situations and is greatly blunt. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed but she isn't an idiot either. Although she was always given what she wanted, is the richest of the group and has family connections worldwide-thanks to her Takashima name. She is appreciative and shares her spoils with her loved ones, close friends and the less fortunate. Reiko uses her ice shards to throw and pierce the Dock soldiers. She even uses the shards from her own body. Through Book 3, she uses her powers much more.
  • Yumiko Honozoro: Yumiko is the youngest princess at age twelve and is the most timid. She is also the Princess of Light. She doesn't  like to fight and does more shooting than close combat. She finds herself useless and wonders why her powers are so important. She soon learns that she is  special in her own way and just as powerful and useful as her friends. She has the power to heal and uses her light as a heat source. Yumiko soon learns that her element is more than she thought.
  • Ayano Matsumoto: At age 20, the Darkness and Death Princess is wise, protective and well trained in martial arts. She's only had Kenta to raise her and she usually doesn't like to get close to people in fear that she'd lose them. Now that she has her family, she doesn't like to to get close to people in fear that she'd lose them. Now that she has her family, she doesn't intend to lose them. She would risk her life for her family with no regrets. Ayano's power is mostly contained through books one and two. In book three, like Yumiko, she learns that her power is more than she ever thought and will become someone she never thought she would be.
I will say that I am utterly excited about Book Three and the twists and turns.

Did you know when you wrote the book it would be a series?

I had a pretty good idea this would be a series. I kept pondering the thought of it reaching to 4 or 7 books. This is a thought I'm still wondering about.

When did you know you wanted to be an author

I've written stories since I was very young. I always wanted to write, to play with words and create worlds to disappear into. One story about Bratz dolls let to another about my friends in school and I continued writing, of course.

Are you thinking of merchandising to go along with the book i.e. t-shirts, bookbags, mugs, etc?

I would love to get into merchandising for this series and others in the future. I tried making t-shirts but it's hard running a business when you're trying to go to school and working retail part-time.

What's next for The Element Princess?

I plan to get the series out there more. I want people to enjoy the EP series, my work in general. I started writing to spread ideas for people to enjoy themselves, period. Through Element Princess, I hope people can learn that they are better people than they think they are and they can find power within themselves and each other.I plan to finish the series, maybe do a sequel(this is a huge maybe) and continue working on other possible stories.

How can readers find your books and connect with you on social media?

I have a FB author page and an Element Princess page. Also, my books are on the Barnes and Noble website, as well as Amazon. Please feel free to send messages. Be on the lookout for book giveaways. You can also contact me at epbookseries@gmail.com

Monday, August 21, 2017

The First Day of School for Naomi

With many schools re-opening in the fall semester,  this is the perfect time time share your book. Tell us about your princess book and most importantly what does the 'N' stand for?

Princess N is my first published book about a little girl who is transitioning to kindergarten which is a huge milestone for all parents and little kids. She's unique in the fact that she was a given a special gift from her grandmother and she believes that when she has it, she always has a Super Fabulous Day! Let's just say the First Day of School doesn't start off super or fabulous. The N stands for Naomi.

What was the influence for Princess N's First Day of School?
The influence is my goddaughter, named Naima I have seen her grow up from a baby and now a 5th grader, so I have witnessed the many milestones of her life. She was given a tiara by mother who she calls grandma that she never wanted to take off as a little girl. Also, I have always referred to her as my princess or a princess when she was born and continue to this day. 

Without giving a spoiler, what are some important things kids need when they start school?

They must  be prepared having all their required materials and uniforms if their school requires it. They must have a positive attitude and supportive parents and siblings especially those experiencing their first day of day care, kindergarten, middle school, or high school. They also should be ready to learn and willing to embrace the new, new teacher, new friends, and plenty of new information to be learned.

How has being a teacher impacted how you write for children?

I was very conscious about the level of readability because I wanted children, especially in primer grades (grades 3 or less) to be able to independently read the book as well be understandable for those children who the book would be read to. I also wanted to be very descriptive of the setting of characters by adding specific adjectives, as a teacher when asking comprehension questions about stories read in class I noticed that students give very generic answers often missing key details. I also wanted to include questions really as a guide for parents because sometimes will read a book to their child and once the story is over there is usually no further engagement but I wanted them to be able to check for comprehension and be able to clarify or reread parts of the story so that children can respond to questions about the setting, characters, and even make inferences.

How is Princess N's First Day of School being received in Florida?

The book has been released for about two weeks and has been received very well. I have had inquiries for the book to be purchased in bulk, as well as others sharing it with their friends and family members. Surprisingly I have had individuals purchase the book for their son or other young male relatives. I'm still in awe and shock by the continued support.

What are some ways you market for your princess book?

I have mainly used social media to market the book, on my personal timeline and in groups that I'm a part of. In addition, word of mouth reviews and referrals have been helpful. I wasn't planning on having a book signing, at least not yet as I'm working to release another book in the series but after strong urging I am hoping to connect with local schools, the public library, and private book stores to continue to spread the joy of Princess N to do so. My goddaughter as stated above is the inspiration for the book and she resides in Jacksonville and I hope to put on an event in her city as well.

Tell us how we all can support you and your new book

Continue to spread the news of the release of the book through all social media avenues, and those that purchase the books tell others about it: friends, family members, even teachers or librarians they may know. I would also appreciate reviews on Amazon as well or even personal feedback sent directly to me. My email is princessnseries@gmail.com

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Princess Book That Started the Brand

Interview conducted by The Real Princess Zaria

The Adventures of Princess Zaria: The Quest For the Three Precious Gems  has a very important message. Tell us about the book.

The book is about a little girl named Zaria who finds out that her name means princess, After her friend questions her royalty, Zaria seeks to find tangible things that would cement that fact that she is a real princess. After finding those things, she comes to realize what her parents have known all along and that is she has always been a princess.

Is there someone or something that inspired the title?

The inspiration for the book is my daughter, Zaria. We actually found out that her name means princess shortly after her birth. We have been calling her Princess Zaria ever since. We also included her best friend, at the time, in the story line. Zaria and Shaniyah became friends when they were in Head Start together.

How have the young readers in Michigan received the book?

The kids love the book! Many have said the dad in the story resembles former President Obama. Girls, especially, like the underlying message that EVERY GIRL IS A PRINCESS. It doesn't matter your size, skin tone, where you live, who your parents are, etc.

Tell us about the illustration process. Was it difficult to find an illustrator?

You better believe it. It was a long and tedious task. Some illustrators wanted to charge thousands of dollars. Another illustrator wanted a huge fee PLUS a percentage of my book sales. I even entertained getting high school students to draw the pictures but that deal fell through. Ultimately, I posted a request on Craigslist. In the beginning I received responses from Asia and other countries. I wanted someone from the U.S., though. Then, bingo. I received a request from a college student in Michigan. I went with him and fell in love with the illustrations.

What has been your most successful avenue in promoting the book?

I think it has been word of mouth and also partnering the book with an event. I host a lot of princess themed events and many of my guests purchase the book prior to attending. Last year,  we hosted a Princess Potato Chip Party where we celebrated National Potato Chip Day and several moms bought the book before the event. We have also been hosting a Chocolate Party and Princess Ball for six and seven years, respectively. Those events have garnered a LOT of sales for me.

What advice would you give to new children's authors?

I would say 'Just Do It.' It will never be the perfect time. You will always need more money or better connections. But as the saying goes, 'jump and the net will appear.' Once you let the universe know you are publishing a book, teachers will contact you. Libraries will want to feature your book. Media will want to interview you. And even if none of that happens, you will have made your dream of being a published author a reality.

Where can we find The Adventures of Princess Zaria: The Quest For The Three Precious Gems?

The book can be found through my website www.princesszaria.com and www.createspace.com/7404834

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Texan Author Talks About Her Royal Book Release

I  absolutely love the book title. Tell us about Sugarfoote and the Magic Crown.

Sugarfoote and the Magic Crown is about a little girl who discovers her value and gains self-esteem through the use of a magic crown. This book is meant to motivate little girls to look within themselves and discover the queen that lives in us all.

What inspired the main character of the book?

I was inspired to write Sugarfoote and the Magic Crown because I wanted to have something tangible that projected a positive image for little girls that looked like me in society and in my own family. Often times the media does not portray African Americans in a positive light. I believe as an African American woman it is my responsibility to encourage and promote the beauty that we as a people embody.

How has the book been received in Texas?

I have received positive comments from those who have purchased and read the book. It is always exciting when people appreciate your talent and work.

Do you do anything special at book signings to engage the children?

During my very first book signing for Sugarfoote and the Magic Crown, I did not know what to expect. It occurred at the local library so nothing spectacular happened however I do have another book signing scheduled and I plan to actually read my book to the children and have a princess in costume on hand.

Tell us what marketing or promotion activities have been successful for you.

I use social media. I have accounts with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I have found that the most successful is still word of mouth from those people who have invested in my project and loved it.

Do you have plans to travel outside of Texas to promote your book? When/where?

I am still new to this literary world, however I am still looking for new ways to expand my brand. I eventually want to travel around the country promoting my books. I am currently looking for new opportunities like book fairs and conventions to do just that.

Where can families find your book?

Those interested in my book can currently find it on Createspace at www.createspace.com/7209447

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Author Rosa 'Coco' Roberts Shares her Literary Joys

Briefly tell us about The Princess and The Penguins.

The Princess and the Penguins is about a little girl that gets lost in the land of Guzza and meets a family of penguins that teach her how to survive until she finds her way back home.

Who or what is the inspiration for your princess book?

I would say that the inspiration came from the fact that we don't see many African American princesses and I wanted girls  to see a princess that looked just like them.

When did you know you wanted to be a children's author?

I don't classify myself as a children's author because I write different genres of books. I love children, as anyone that knows me can tell you and I just wanted to write something that was fun and uplifting while teaching them a lesson, as well.

What has been a memorable experience that you would never have  had if you didn't write for children?

Reading to an auditorium filled with children! That was the best feeling ever! I loved the questions that they asked and the excitement in their eyes.

What aspect of writing do you find most challenging?

Coming up with a storyline and keeping the flow going

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

This is something that I say in my personal and professional life, " No matter what it looks like, it is well." Meaning don't give up no matter the struggle, no matter the frustration. You have to keep pushing.

Where can readers find your books?

My books are available on my website www.cocorobertsbooks.com; www.amazon.com and www.createspace.com

Sunday, August 6, 2017

An Evening with Children's Author, S.F. Hardy

What inspired you to write "The Empress' New Hair?

The book is loosely inspired by my life growing up in the beauty industry, along with my unruly hair and the journey it took for me to embrace the fact that, like me, it is very diverse and that I should appreciate this. Encouraging others, especially girls, to also embrace what they have because they are unique and they define their beauty, not external forces, is the intent of the story.

What is your process when writing? Detail character development.

My process is abstract. My ideas come to me. I don't conjure them. I was driving on one of my long commutes when the idea for 'The Empress' New Hair ' came to me-like a whisper. I've always loved the story: The Emperor's New Clothes so it was natural for me to create Empress Zaina and her plight to appreciate her hair and all its madness.

How have children received the book?

Surprisingly, boys seem to get many laughs and giggles when I read the story. This brings me joy. Girls normally like the story too and they are normally asking for more.

How is The Empress' New Hair different from other books in your genre?

I would say the vocabulary sets the book apart from others-I've included the definitions on the pages in which the words appear.

Where can readers find your book?

The Empress' New Hair can be found at: theempressnewhair.blogspot.com; walmart.com; amazon.com;indiebound.org; barnesandnoble.com and Wayne State University.

Do you have any upcoming events? What are you working on?

I don't have any events scheduled at this time. I'm working on completing my second children's title: The Selfish Boy Who Shares.

What are future plans for S.F. Hardy?

To my delight, I will soon be a children's librarian. I will continue to work on branding Empress Zaina as I intend to create a doll in her image along with an animated series highlighting various hair traditions across the globe-with Empress Zaina being the main character.