Monday, August 21, 2017

The First Day of School for Naomi

With many schools re-opening in the fall semester,  this is the perfect time time share your book. Tell us about your princess book and most importantly what does the 'N' stand for?

Princess N is my first published book about a little girl who is transitioning to kindergarten which is a huge milestone for all parents and little kids. She's unique in the fact that she was a given a special gift from her grandmother and she believes that when she has it, she always has a Super Fabulous Day! Let's just say the First Day of School doesn't start off super or fabulous. The N stands for Naomi.

What was the influence for Princess N's First Day of School?
The influence is my goddaughter, named Naima I have seen her grow up from a baby and now a 5th grader, so I have witnessed the many milestones of her life. She was given a tiara by mother who she calls grandma that she never wanted to take off as a little girl. Also, I have always referred to her as my princess or a princess when she was born and continue to this day. 

Without giving a spoiler, what are some important things kids need when they start school?

They must  be prepared having all their required materials and uniforms if their school requires it. They must have a positive attitude and supportive parents and siblings especially those experiencing their first day of day care, kindergarten, middle school, or high school. They also should be ready to learn and willing to embrace the new, new teacher, new friends, and plenty of new information to be learned.

How has being a teacher impacted how you write for children?

I was very conscious about the level of readability because I wanted children, especially in primer grades (grades 3 or less) to be able to independently read the book as well be understandable for those children who the book would be read to. I also wanted to be very descriptive of the setting of characters by adding specific adjectives, as a teacher when asking comprehension questions about stories read in class I noticed that students give very generic answers often missing key details. I also wanted to include questions really as a guide for parents because sometimes will read a book to their child and once the story is over there is usually no further engagement but I wanted them to be able to check for comprehension and be able to clarify or reread parts of the story so that children can respond to questions about the setting, characters, and even make inferences.

How is Princess N's First Day of School being received in Florida?

The book has been released for about two weeks and has been received very well. I have had inquiries for the book to be purchased in bulk, as well as others sharing it with their friends and family members. Surprisingly I have had individuals purchase the book for their son or other young male relatives. I'm still in awe and shock by the continued support.

What are some ways you market for your princess book?

I have mainly used social media to market the book, on my personal timeline and in groups that I'm a part of. In addition, word of mouth reviews and referrals have been helpful. I wasn't planning on having a book signing, at least not yet as I'm working to release another book in the series but after strong urging I am hoping to connect with local schools, the public library, and private book stores to continue to spread the joy of Princess N to do so. My goddaughter as stated above is the inspiration for the book and she resides in Jacksonville and I hope to put on an event in her city as well.

Tell us how we all can support you and your new book

Continue to spread the news of the release of the book through all social media avenues, and those that purchase the books tell others about it: friends, family members, even teachers or librarians they may know. I would also appreciate reviews on Amazon as well or even personal feedback sent directly to me. My email is


  1. I have purchased 5 books for family and Co workers, they live it. Some od the other coworkers read it and now purchasing for their grands. Many wants to know if this book going to have a series.

  2. In Michigan, today is the first day of school for many kids and next Tuesday is the first day for others. I think this book is a good one for those elementary kids going back to school. Great interview!

  3. Amazing interview! I think students my age should get this book because it's still relatable to today. Nowadays, it's hard preparing yourself for the next step and/or next school year but this book shows how Princess N starts school and I can't wait to read about it.
