Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Author Rosa 'Coco' Roberts Shares her Literary Joys

Briefly tell us about The Princess and The Penguins.

The Princess and the Penguins is about a little girl that gets lost in the land of Guzza and meets a family of penguins that teach her how to survive until she finds her way back home.

Who or what is the inspiration for your princess book?

I would say that the inspiration came from the fact that we don't see many African American princesses and I wanted girls  to see a princess that looked just like them.

When did you know you wanted to be a children's author?

I don't classify myself as a children's author because I write different genres of books. I love children, as anyone that knows me can tell you and I just wanted to write something that was fun and uplifting while teaching them a lesson, as well.

What has been a memorable experience that you would never have  had if you didn't write for children?

Reading to an auditorium filled with children! That was the best feeling ever! I loved the questions that they asked and the excitement in their eyes.

What aspect of writing do you find most challenging?

Coming up with a storyline and keeping the flow going

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

This is something that I say in my personal and professional life, " No matter what it looks like, it is well." Meaning don't give up no matter the struggle, no matter the frustration. You have to keep pushing.

Where can readers find your books?

My books are available on my website www.cocorobertsbooks.com; www.amazon.com and www.createspace.com


  1. I love what this book is all about. Children hardly ever get to see an African American princess and that's exactly what you give them in your book. Great interview and keep up the good work.

  2. Great interview!!! You are truly motivation and inspiration to us all!!!! May God continue to bless you!!!

  3. The book has a great message!! Hope to see and hear more of you!!

  4. I am in awe of your passion as a children's book author and entrepreneur. Thanks for allowing me to interview you and share your gift with the world.
